

大腦轉譯醫學的學術盛會「第十屆身心介面國際研討會」將於10/30-11/1以實體會議及線上會議進行全球同步進行,會議地點包括:中國醫藥大學 (台中) 及成功大學醫學院 (台南)。本研討會免註冊費,提供醫事人員繼續教育積分,海報論文及Poster Blitz現場口頭報告投稿延長至8/31截止。


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Deadline for abstract submission is extended to AUG. 31 for 2020 MBI SymposiumWe are calling paper for Poster Presentation (online) & 5-min Poster Blitz (on-site).


Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, there will be two physical conference sites in Taichung & Tainan, alongside with online conferencing, which is open to all registered participants worldwide to join pre-recorded talks and online discussions with our speakers. It's FREE


Influential scientists gather in Taichung every year to share cutting-edge research works in Translational Neuroscience. The main theme this year is “The Mind Maze: Early Life Experiences That Shape Adult Health of Mind and Body”. All sessions are in English.


Organized annually by Mind-Body Interface Center (MBI-Lab) and Taiwanese Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (TSNPR), we are delighted to co-chair this conference with PNIRSAsia-Pacific Symposium and ISNPR Regional Meeting in 2020. For more details, check out the webpages below.


??Call for Abstractbit.ly/2u87OsP

??Scientific Programme: bit.ly/2lGKCNx

??Chairman's Messagebit.ly/2Sk2sCL

??Facebook: www.facebook.com/mbisymposium

??Twitter: twitter.com/MbiSymposium



Best regards,



有任何問題歡迎詢問TSNPR學會秘書處 2020mbisymposium@gmail.com